DAY 92

16th March 2021

We started heading north towards Perth. The first stop was at Lake Clifton, home to the largest lake-dwelling thrombolites in the Southern Hemisphere. These are some of the earliest forms of life on earth and look like round boulders in the water. These ones were only young, about 2,000 years old... and if you think that's old, we also saw stromatolites over the next few days which could be up to 3.5 billion years old. Very strange looking! 

We were in Perth by lunchtime. We parked on the street and had a wander around the city for a couple of hours, it was a really nice city.

We then stopped at Josh’s friend Jeff’s place who let us stay for two nights. We did washing and had proper showers. It was bliss. 


DAY 93

17th March 2021

 We went for a drive around Perth/Fremantle (LOVED Fremantle) then drove up to the hills for lunch. We tried to go to a dam nearby but you had to walk down to the water so we parked under the trees for lunch then went back to Jeff’s and had a chilled afternoon