We stopped at Halls Creek for fuel. It’s the town at the end of the Tanami Road and was mostly populated by indigenous people. We turned down Duncan Road, which was literally being opened after wet season as we passed (there were men there filling out the sign, which had open and closed sliders that could be changed) and went to have a look around. We stopped at the China Walls, which was a weird white “wall” made from rock where the surrounding soil and rocks had been washed or blown away. It stood out very strangely in the surrounding environment! 

We drove down past the Old Halls Creek Township, The Old Afghan Market Garden and stopped at Palm Springs. This was a beautiful little pool that you could apparently swim in, though there were crocodiles around. Maybe not... It was very pretty though.

We turned left and stopped in at Sawpit Gorge. I wanted to camp there but Josh wasn’t keen. We flew the drone around a little bit then drove back to the main road. 

We kept driving, stopping off on the side of the road a few times when we just HAD to take a photo of the view. We also drove up this rest area on tope of a hill, the landscape was just this insane mixture of reds and greens.

We finally stopped for the night in at a rest area a bit south of Purnululu so we could go there tomorrow. There were a lot of bugs at this campsite in the night time too - we were sitting under a picnic table shelter all afternoon and it was fine, but then when we were sitting there for dinner, we were swarmed by them! We did a very quick dinner wash up then escaped to the tent!