We woke up early and were promptly attacked by flies again. We covered a lot of ground today! Saw an emu crossing the road, all casual like. 

The plan was to drive to Denham and then the Francois Peron National Park. First stop was the Hamelin Pool stromatolites and Shell Beach along the way up. Hamelin Pool was really interesting. These are the oldest stromatolites in the world, with the oldest cells found here being up to 3.5 billion years old.

Shell Beach was SO WHITE with all the cockle shells, and the seawater is weirdly high in salt content. This high salinity has allowed the cockle to proliferate unchecked, since its natural predators have not adapted well to this environment.

We stopped in at Eagle lookout as well and saw sharks, rays and more from the lookout - it was VERY windy though. 

We had free showers at Denham which were very much appreciated!

Then we headed up to the national park. There was a tyre fill station at the start which was cool.

It was very windy up there though.We flew the drone over the amazing bays and little lagoons - the whole area was so beautiful

We went right to the top. At Skipjack Point we saw sharks, rays, and a very cute turtle as well as loads of cormorants on the shore of the beach. There was some crazy coloured sand there too. Bright red. Camped at Herald Bight for the night. Very windy all night for a site that was supposed to be the most sheltered up there!