We left our camp and headed over to Lucky Bay. The fan on the car broke down en route and we had to fix it while stopped on the beach – Land Rover things eh! Unfortunately the “road” on the beach only really had one lane and we were parked in it - we had to wave another car around us because Josh was head first in the engine. Thankfully he fixed it and continued on to Lucky Bay. 

Oh my god it was the most beautiful beach I have ever seen. We drove onto the beach and parked up. The sand underfoot was as hard as concrete. The water, a beautiful blue, was gated in the bay by two sections of rock, meaning that it was lovely and calm with gentle waves. Josh went for a swim but I was unsure. It just looked so nice though that I ducked into the car and got changed and went in. It was a bit grey and chilly and only in the low 20’s outside, but it was nice in the water. I’m so glad I went in, I would have regretted it so much otherwise, it was the nicest beach I’ve ever been to. We put the drone up and took so many photos, just a fair warning! 

We got out and went back in with the action cam and took some videos and photos and just generally relaxed. This is the beach you often see on ads about Australia and WA with a kangaroo on the beach… Well there were a couple on the beach, being flanked by people taking photos of them. We had some lunch then went to have a freshwater shower and get changed. 

We drove around the coast - Hellfire and Little Hellfire, then Cape Le Grand beach.

You could drive along the beach and there were little pull-ins where you could camp. We pulled into one and it was behind the dunes and on a little freshwater river. It was so pretty! We stopped there for the night after what was a really good day, AND then had a beautiful sunset. I wish we’d stayed in that area a bit longer, given there were plenty of free campsites around.